Digital -- what ??

Added on by John Sturr.

It has been a while since I have posted something from the V1 Nikon.  A model of camera of which I love and one which I hope Nikon will update with a V4.  I hope very soon.

This image is from Disney Land - December 2015.  Native monochrome.

an Early Morning

Added on by John Sturr.

This is Yellowstone in the early morning - and a great way to beat the crowds.  Most others are trying to figure out their day ahead, or maybe just taking it easy.  An early wakeup, a piece of fruit and a cup of coffee is all you need.

Madeline and I started making our way to each stop as the Sun was on its way to rise.

Photographers are standing on the walk way - waiting for geyser to shoot.

Rollei 6008i - Fuji Film - Nikon LS8000 scan

Dress Form on Film

Added on by John Sturr.

An ornamental steel wire dress form transformed by my wife into a living outside ornament.  The lower half is stuffed with dirt and the frame is with flowers to bloom throughout the Summer.

It's really quite nice when it all comes together.

Rolleiflex 6008 - with Fuji film - developed with Arista Liquid Color home kit.
Scanned on a Nikon 6008 at 4000 dpi.

Rollei 6008 - Fuji Film with Arista Kit home development.

Yellow Stone - 2015

Added on by John Sturr.

This was taken the Summer of 2015.  But I can't remember if this was from the Rollei 6008 or the Yashicamat124G.

Self developed and scanned - all in house.

120mm Fuji Film - Yellow Stone National Park

Holga Pan 120

Added on by John Sturr.

Shot last Summer in a remote area with the Holga 120 Panorama.  I feel sorta fortunate to have one now - as production has ceased.  None are made anymore.

Grand Rapids - Michigan

Added on by John Sturr.

This is one of the entrances of this Art Museum in Michigan.  Shot with the Rollei 6008 in late Aug.

Grand Rapids - Art Museum

It's been a while ...

Added on by John Sturr.

It’s been a tough Month since surgery.  But things are getting better !

A month ago, the beginning of September, I went under the knife, AGAIN, to investigate / remove the re-growth of a Meningioma .   Ugh.

As luck would have it - it wasn’t a Meningioma - but a regrowth of cells causing irritation to the optic nerve bundles.  But - I’m still going thru the same recovery process - which is a bit of a pain.

Nikon P330

Dinner with the Woods

Added on by John Sturr.

This was an unpredictable roll -- some frames just didn't turn out well.  The advantage of the hybrid / digital workflow offers powerful corrective actions in post.  I have no idea how that was completed to satisfaction back in the day.  

You were defined by those who completed your wet process edits.

Alligator Lake - High Uintas Utah

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+ 

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+