I shoot 3 Nikon’s - and the sensor of the D3s, CoolPix P330, and the 1 V1 all look the same. The dynamic range of the P330 seems to have the most depth - but for color rendering and richness and the ability to not have to touch exposure; they are all one in the same.
Exposure has become more important the more I realize that these systems performs so well. This is one of the reasons of which I keep coming back to the V1, and the speed is crazy fast.
As of late - I’m really done chasing megapixels as what I want is sharpness and performance. And there are two genres to what I shoot - pro and non-pro. And I think that is an essential distinction of which many never discuss - ever discuss. Pro vs. Non-Pro keeps Nikon and Canon from worrying about the mirrorless platforms of which I think is a mistake.
Since I shoot architecture and I have tilt shit lenses the V1 really can’t fit the bill, and I like full frame - but for everyday shooting; street, office, family - anything goes, and any system goes.
The uproar about the new V3 is a mind blower — total mind blower - good God. I feel sorry for Nikon.
The V1 also has a wonderful monochrome conversion - wonderful - the blacks are black, and the convert looks so organic. I love that.
I do wish there were more performance based primes - that’s a bit of a bummer. These vari-aperture zooms kill me.
Nikon 1 V1 - 18.5mm