Yellow Stone - 2015

Added on by John Sturr.

This was taken the Summer of 2015.  But I can't remember if this was from the Rollei 6008 or the Yashicamat124G.

Self developed and scanned - all in house.

120mm Fuji Film - Yellow Stone National Park

Holga Pan 120

Added on by John Sturr.

Shot last Summer in a remote area with the Holga 120 Panorama.  I feel sorta fortunate to have one now - as production has ceased.  None are made anymore.

Grand Rapids - Michigan

Added on by John Sturr.

This is one of the entrances of this Art Museum in Michigan.  Shot with the Rollei 6008 in late Aug.

Grand Rapids - Art Museum

It's been a while ...

Added on by John Sturr.

It’s been a tough Month since surgery.  But things are getting better !

A month ago, the beginning of September, I went under the knife, AGAIN, to investigate / remove the re-growth of a Meningioma .   Ugh.

As luck would have it - it wasn’t a Meningioma - but a regrowth of cells causing irritation to the optic nerve bundles.  But - I’m still going thru the same recovery process - which is a bit of a pain.

Nikon P330

Dinner with the Woods

Added on by John Sturr.

This was an unpredictable roll -- some frames just didn't turn out well.  The advantage of the hybrid / digital workflow offers powerful corrective actions in post.  I have no idea how that was completed to satisfaction back in the day.  

You were defined by those who completed your wet process edits.

Alligator Lake - High Uintas Utah

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+ 

YashicalMat124g - Ilford HP5+ 

XP2 - C41

Added on by John Sturr.

A friend who I've mention before, Will Wright, sent me a roll of Ilford XP2 to try explore.  The option of being able to shoot BW with a C-41 process has some advantages - especially when traveling or being on the road without the traditional chemicals available.  

Drop it in the mail - or find a local drugstore to process the roll - done.

This is a shot from my day job - FFKR Architects - where, as I've mentioned in other posts, I have some excellent subject matter and backgrounds, to photograph.  

Here is one of the Firm's Principals, Rick Frerichs, head of the Health Care Studio, in his office.