The Niece is wearing the Petzel -- in Park City. Nikon F100 with Kodak Ektar 100 - self developed.
the beach in Pentwater
the Petzl
in Park City Utah
Having some fun in Park City Utah - my Wife and Nephew in this scene. Shot with the Nikon F100.
the Lola
Lola the English Bulldog - in all of her black and white glory !! Shot on Fuji Acros and Stand developed in Rodinal for 60 minutes.
Looking Thru...
This was shot on the Nikon F100 of a pass thru area of a local High School. It was cloudy outside and the Sun had set - and the reflections were intense.
Utah State Capitol
Shot on the Nikon F100 with Fuji Acros 100 and then Stand developed in Rodinal for 60 minutes.
Lola - the English Bulldog
Shadow on the Wall
Nikon F100 35mm with Fujifilm Acros 100 - wall is from the Bogue Building here in SLC, with afternoon Sun. Stand development in Rodinal for 60 minutes.
SLC - In the Neighborhood
This was shot on the Nikon F100 during and evening walk the beginning of Summer - I think this is Ilford Delta 400 - but not quite sure as I type this. Lots of grain which makes me think I was experimenting with Stand development on 400 speed film. And that 400 speed really makes a difference compared to 100.
New Orleans - 4
A New Orleans building where the light, the lines, with the interpretation from the Rollei 6008i in black and white Fuji Acros 100, makes this image better than being there. No Crop.
New Orleans - 3
A cafe was just outside the historic area of New Orleans on the remodeled area of the "strip". Yet the signage looked really dated and graphically wonderful. Fuji Acros - no Crop.
New Orleans - 2
This image is one of my favorites of the New Orleans -- it appears to be some kind of a psychic. The group may or may not be related - and the black and white capture adds to the mystery. Shot on the Rollei 6008i with Acros 100 stand development in Rodinal - no crop.
Twin Falls Idaho
A quick shot of the falls - at Twin Falls - known as the Niagara of the West. Shot with the Rollei 6008i with Fujifilm Acros 100 and processed with a stand development using Rodinal with a dilution for a 60 minute processing time.
New Orleans - 1
A March trip to New Orleans, where I shot a bunch of medium format Fuji Acros 100. That city and the old town area is really quite something to capture. As with all of my work - no crop.
July 4th - 2005
This is an interesting day for me — July 4th — as I was recalled to active Army duty this day in 2005, ten days after I was married.
I served in 2/75 Ranger, stationed in Ft. Lewis Washington from 1999-2002 - and ETS’d and finished my degree at Idaho State University.
Upon graduation from ISU in 2005 I traveled home in May of that year and sitting on the kitchen table, was the “Letter in the Mail” — literally, “Go to War of Go to Jail”.
I couldn’t believe it - my parents couldn’t believe it - and upon opening and reading the letter, I turned to my Dad and said - “Start pouring the Gin, because I’ve just been recalled to Active Duty.” We all, were in shock - as this stuff never happens - well — it happened. And July 4th I said my good byes - got on a plane and traveled to South Carolina, then Georgia, and finally Texas and then I landed in Baghdad on the weekend of Labor Day.
I spent 10.5 months with a Reserve unit where our Company name was the Rough Riders - carrying on the storied tradition of the original Rough Riders fame. Yes — that is true.
We traveled in and around the Baghdad area in uparmored Humvee’s delivering people and or equipment.
Fuji Acros 100 - Film
This was shot last Summer on Acros 100 and processed with a "Stand" development. The stand is not only very convenient - the gradation between whites and blacks is crazy rich, deep and contrasty. My eye screams for more when all comes out very well. This scene was with the Rollei 6008 Integral and the kit lens. When everything comes together / the planets align / film becomes a magical endeavor - even if only you see it as such. What do I mean by this: Film needs to be stored to stay fresh - in a fridge; the film is exposed and the image can't be confirmed as being "good"; the film is developed - weird stuff can happen during development; film is then scanned and processed etc. There are so many steps to where all can really, very easily, go to hell.
But I digress -- this capture turned out great !!
A grab shot
I would walk by this coffee shop many times in our neighborhood. It was an early evening and the lighting and crowd in the window was compelling. I wanted both to let me take the image without fuss -- but she noticed me -- and caught me in the act.
Shot on the Nikon F100 / 35mm and self developed and scanned.
Twin Falls Idaho
Shot in Twin Falls Idaho in the Fall of 2016. Exposed with the Rollei 6008i and self developed.
Whew -- it's been awhile...
Time to catch up on some previous images. This was taken this last summer in the western part of the city - toward the West Valley area. There are times when upon driving around you recognize the Sun is just perfect but no camera in hand - so don't forget that time frame and venture back when the conditions repeat - with the camera. I did just that one Saturday evening and was able to capture the color of this scene.