the Flowers - StandDev

Added on by John Sturr.

I have about 20 rolls of film to process and this last weekend I started to dig in - and the fruits of the labor always reignites the spark to keep on - keeping on…

Shot on the Rollei 6008i - and I realize why I keep using this wonderful beast of a camera - in FuijiFilms’s Acros 100 in a Rodinal Stand @ 5% for 60 minutes. Ok — that was a mouthful if you even care that much - it’s good to care though as it provides context to the craft. The Acros 100 is the first generation.

Oh — and scanned on a legacy Nikon LS-8000 @ 4000dpi - totally native mind you … Boom…. double Boom.


the Light

Added on by John Sturr.

While shopping I took this image of a hanging light - using the 35mm Nikon F100 and the 50mm f1.4 it turned out really well. It’s interesting when it all comes together and the final result surprises you after development and the scan. This is where the choice of premium gear, meaning the lens, will really set the captured scene apart from the normal view.

Shot on Fujifilm Acro 100 in a Rodinal Stand development for 60 minutes. Scanned on the Minolta 5400 series.

the Violet

Added on by John Sturr.

Violet the Main Coon - she was amazing.

Nikon F100 - self Stand Developed, Fuji Acros

Italy - Roma

Added on by John Sturr.

The country and the city of Roma was more than compelling — put it on your bucket list…

Nikon 1 V1 - and corrected in LRoom

Ft. Worth - Texas

Added on by John Sturr.

I’ve recently purchased a Sony Nex-7, again. The back story is that I bought a Nex-7 when they were first released in I think it was 2012 - then I sold it and adopted the Nikon 1 V1. I sold it as the colors were not just “there” for me —- it was subtle — but noticeable to my eye. But - because it was 24mp I decided to give it another go and bought a used body and lens for less than $500. But I digress as I happen to always do — I’ve learned to drive thru these slight issues and make it work. Whew — ok… so here is an image taken in Ft. Worth Texas between some time of a business conference. This is converted to black/white - and I love it. Taken with the Sony 18-55 f3.5-5.6 kit lens - first generation. I’m very pleased with this shot - uncropped as always.

Ft. Worth - Texas - Color converted to black/white.

Grab the easy shot...

Added on by John Sturr.

Sometimes - it pays to experiment and take the easy shot - maybe it’s the shot right in front of you - maybe you are walking the dog and you can pull up the camera and see what happens after you hit the shutter release.

That’s exactly what I did with this capture. My wife and I were walking the dog - I had a fast f1.4, 50mm - and I set it up and hoped for the best. I couldn’t have expected the result - oh - and this was on film - so I had no idea what would eventually happen.

Fuji Acros - 100 - self developed - self scanned

Times-News -- Really !?!

Added on by John Sturr.

This last Thursday, while in a Twin Falls Idaho Starbucks, I picked up the the local Times-News, news paper.  And, I saw a lead in with the acronym “-WTF”.  I about blew my mouth full of coffee all over myself and my wife - who was sitting next to me.

My mind was really blown — like — totally blown.  How does this happen I thought - how… just how.  And — how would I explain this acronym to a child when they asked for the meaning, if I had too.

So — I sent a letter to the editor of the Times-News.  And - I’ve heard no response - just as I thought would happen.

I will never read that publication again - as I was insulted.

last Summer - with M and Violet

Added on by John Sturr.

This was a grab shot - as most of my images are - M and Violet. One of the last of Violet as we put her down on July 1. Her diabetes got the best of her for the last year - yep - 12 months of shots twice a day. She was a Maine Coon and was an amazing animal we had for 10 years.

Shot with the Rollei 6008i on Fuji Acros 100 - self developed and scanned.

the Lola...

Added on by John Sturr.

The Lola — we love this bulldog… she’s some great company. But — she’s developed a limp on her rear left leg - we though it was a pulled muscle from just going all out - as she does. But — nope — it’s a torn or partially torn ACL. Ugh — so - she goes under the knife soon once we figure out how good/bad the condition really is.

the Lola - with a torn ACL

A new post -- Finally !!

Added on by John Sturr.

I’ve been letting the time slip away — and between just enjoying life and the day to day - I’ve neglected the image posting. No worries I say - time to catch up on that.

I haven’t been shooting the Nikon F100 very much - this image is of that with color no less. Color is even more rare in the 35mm setup. It’s also interesting that film is becoming more popular and more scarce at the same time. Fuji has eliminated Acros - My most, most favorite stock of all time. Ugh… double Ugh… Onward.

Color Film - self developed - self scanned #nikon, #F100, #color, #film, #35mm

As of Late...

Added on by John Sturr.

I haven’t been posting as of late.  There is no particular reason - except for distractions - laziness - and lack of discipline.  Life has been fun and we’ve been doing “other stuff”.

This week Nikon announced the sunset of the “1” series cameras.  A system of which very few recognized and took advantage of.  I realized its potential and it served me really well.  I shot the hell out of it - and I shot a lot of stuff with this system.  It’s small, lightweight, and crazy capable - and the product it produces  was without peer.  The caveat for me was the small 1” sensor.  So - what did I do - in  November - I re-bought another Sony Nex-7, which has the APS-C sensor.  I’ve been using that system every since - with no regrets - the Nex-7 is still an amazing piece - even though it is a bit dated.

I sold the Nex-7 because I became frustrated with the color rendition - of which the 1 V1 overcame.  But - sensor size is just as - if not even more important - in the image game.  I now shoot the Nex-7 and work with around the limitations.

As of late - I need to develop and scan some more film in waiting.  The rolls are either #unshot - or - #inapile waiting to be processed.  Shame on me.

So - my story is this - I’ve been distracted by the discovery of fine pencils - and I need to focus on the film - ugh; no pun intended.

Nex-7 - sharpening applied - no processing - #ffkr #architects #desk #nex7 #nex-7 #sony

As of late -- a distraction

Added on by John Sturr.

 I’ve been nicely distracted these last few months - not with films, or new camera bodies - but - with the discovery, or re-discovery of pencils; fine pencils.  They are American made, Japanese made, Vietnam made, Korean made, Chinese made, and so on, and so on…


This started with the find of the “Blackwing” series remade by Cal Cedar company of California - they brought back the 602 and introduced the “Blackwing”, and “Pearl”, also.  The discovery of these writers at a local shop has brought on the madness, now.

I’ve now discovered many brands and types of pencils and equipment / sharpeners.  It’s been a pretty fun journey - finding that top 5% - of anything - which can be very interesting.

a Favorite

Added on by John Sturr.

Here is a favorite of late - shot this summer on Fuji Acros 100 in downtown Salt Lake City - and upon development and scanning this image really impressed me.  It as minimalist and intense all at the same time.  I'm happy with it for the whole workflow which entailed to make it this far - the even of capture, the development, the scan and the upload.  As I said in the blog post before this - when it all comes together the experience is without peer.

Fuji Acros 100 - self developed and scanned - Salt Lake City, Utah.